West Programs
ASES – The Center (After school Program)
ASES – The Center (After school Program)
ASES – The Center (After school Program)
The mission of our expanded learning program is to provide innovative, youth-driven, high quality out-of-school-time opportunities that include building school-community partnerships, engaging families to participate in their children’s learning, and learning through project-based enrichment that complements the school day. The Center values excellence, caring & respect, community and teamwork.
We base our after school programming around the following initiatives:
- Literacy
- Health & Wellness
- Social Emotional Learning
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM)
- Family & Community Engagement
English Language Development
English Language Development
English Language Development
All teachers are trained to work with children whose first language is not English. Techniques and strategies such as controlled vocabulary, use of visual aides, hands-on activities, total physical response (TPR), and primary language support are given to help students succeed in strengthening and learning English skills.
The CELDT (California English Language Development Test) is administered to new students within 30 days of beginning school. All students who are still identified as English language learners are reassessed annually by October 31st. On going testing will be done as students arrive at our school.
FIT – Family Involvement Team
FIT – Family Involvement Team
FIT – Family Involvement Team
The Family Involvement Team is comprised of parents, teachers, and administrators. The goal is to increase the communication and engagement of all adults involved in the lives of our students. Moms, dads, grandparents, and caretakers of West students are invited to attend.
The major focus of FIT is to ensure that parents have the chance to play an important role in all school activities.
In the upcoming school year, we will be seeking adults from our families to take on leadership roles in FIT and Site Council. Each track will have 5 adults serve as representatives.
Healthy Start Assistance
Healthy Start Assistance
Healthy Start Assistance
Healthy Start is a State funded grant servicing four elementary schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District. Healthy Start enables students and families at our school to receive the following:
- A comprehensive range of prevention oriented services that promote a healthy start for all children.
- A child and family support network established and maintained through on-going collaboration of families, schools, community based organizations and city and county service agencies in order to maximize student and family potential.
- Support for parents to maintain active participation in their child’s education.
- Effective communication, team building and service evaluation between and among parents, schools and agencies, in order to promote Healthy Start goals.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Program (LSH)
Language, Speech, and Hearing Program (LSH)
Language, Speech, and Hearing Program (LSH)
A speech and language specialist is assigned to our school to assist students with identified needs. To qualify, students must be assessed by the specialist and meet certain qualifying criteria. The specialist also works closely with the Learning Center and the Student Study Team.
Student Study Team
Student Study Team
Student Study Team
The Student Study Team (SST) is an effective way to bring tighter all resources to support students experiencing difficulties in regular classes (a group problem solving method). The team meets at the request of a teacher or parent or guardian for a concentrated problem-solving meeting where all the involved persons are present. The parent or guardian will be asked to participate in person or give input by phone conference. During the Student Study Team meeting, either specific recommendations or a comprehensive action plan will be formulated in an effort to assist the student. A brief follow-up meeting is scheduled to assess the child’s progress and make further recommendations that will enhance the child’s opportunities to succeed.